Although governmental and educational institutions have gone to great lengths in order to prevent it, domestic violence is still an issue that many people face in America each and every day. Domestic violence often results in physical, mental and emotional injuries, and in some cases, it can even lead to death.
Defining Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is considered to be any form of abuse that takes place within a personal relationship between adults. Although the stereotype of domestic violence typically involves a husband or boyfriend abusing a wife or girlfriend, the truth is that anyone can be the perpetrator or victim of domestic violence. For instance, an adult child who lives at home with his or her parents can be considered to be the victim of domestic violence if a parent assaults the child. Additionally, a wife may routinely threaten to kill her husband, and this can be considered domestic violence.
Types of Domestic Violence
As mentioned, domestic violence is not limited only to physical violence. Mental and emotional abuse can be just as injuring, if not more so, when compared to physical violence, and as a result, threats of harm, mental control and more can all be considered forms of domestic violence. Unfortunately, mental and emotional abuse is rarely seen as it does not leave outward signs. People who are being mentally and emotionally abused carry their scars on the inside, and sadly, their pain often goes unnoticed.
A Vicious Cycle
While most victims have a strong desire to leave their abusers, many find it difficult to do so. In some cases, the victim will continue to tell himself or herself that the abuser will change if the victim just gives the abuser more time. In other cases, the abuser will threaten to harm or even kill the victim if he or she leaves, making escape a hazardous proposition. Sadly, staying with the abuser often only leads to further abuse and the cycle continues.
Breaking the Cycle
In order to truly break this cycle, victims need to turn to resources within their communities. Victims of domestic abuse are encouraged to speak with local law enforcement as a first step towards ending the abuse. Additionally, many communities have shelters and support programs available to victims of domestic violence, and these resources should be sought out in order to begin the process of healing and moving forward. As mentioned, it may be difficult to take these steps, but if the victim truly wants to end the cycle of violence, he or she must be resolute in his or her decision.
In some cases, victims of domestic violence may also be due compensation for their injuries. Whether physical, mental or emotional, injuries from domestic violence can cause serious damage, and much of this damage is long-term. As a result, people who have left abusive relationships are encouraged to seek out the services of domestic violence attorneys, such as from the Law Offices of Steve E. Kellis for assistance in seeking compensation.
Finally, it?s important to remember that most abusers will never change, and typically, they will only continue to increase the level of abuse over time. Don?t allow yourself to be fooled by promises of change and displays of regret. If you?re in a situation where someone is abusing you, now is the time to leave ? don?t wait until it?s too late.
Freelance author Anthony Joseph writes about legal issues that tend to hit home, and contributes this article toward the fight against domestic violence. After being the victim of domestic violence, having a defense from the?Law Offices of Steve E. Kellis can ensure that your rights will be protected. Mr. Kellis has over 20 years of trial jury experience to bring to the table.
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