Since Henry's birthday it seems like we've all the sudden made the full switch from baby to toddler. ?It's not just the walking thing, though that's a big part of it! ?He looks different, and acts different, and we're having to adjust to toddler mode.
Some signs you may be living in toddler town as well:
-All your canned goods have dents in them because the pantry cabinet will keep a toddler occupied much longer than any toy.
-You carry raisins in your purse at all times, and you don't even eat raisins.
-Your cabinets are suddenly full?of brightly colored, plastic sippy cups and bowls with suction cups on the bottom,?when they were formerly just full of clear, (highly breakable), glass.
-Diaper changes have become a battle of wills and you come away from every one thinking you really need to reinstate your gym membership. ?How can someone so small be so freakishly strong anyway?!
-It's no longer safe to keep toilet paper on the actual roll in your house.
-You have more than 20 board books completely memorized and can recite them on demand.
-You realize that song that's been stuck in your head all day, and you've been humming all over town, is the counting song the rocking horse sings when you press the red triangle button.
-You find the tv remote, the phone, a graphing calculator, and a whisk inside a toy drum. ?Or a tractor push toy... ?Or anywhere else you least suspect them, the location also changes twice a week.
-Mega Blocks are EVERYWHERE even though you swear they were all picked up and put away the night before.
-You can't say the name of an animal without also saying what sound it makes. ?Ex. ?"Look a cow! MOOO! ?Do you see the cow? MOOOO!"
Yes, this picture is blurry. ?They're all blurry these days. ?
-You let your child play with all kinds of non-toy objects, anything that will get them to sit still for longer than 25 seconds. ?Henry's favorite this week is an old phone book.
-You forget there are child locks on the cabinets until someone comes over and can't get them open. ?Undoing the child lock is now second nature to you.
-Nothing breakable or important is within four inches of the edge of your counter tops or furniture. ?You know that things that live close to the edge tend to disappear.
-You come to the realization that you spent years completely taking for granted the opportunity to use the bathroom alone. ?It all the sudden seems serene to be able to pee without a toddler busting in the room.
-You're completely exhausted at the end of the day and cannot imagine why... ?the house is trashed, you had take out for dinner, (again), but you managed to keep another person alive and fed another day! ?SUCESS!
That's just life in our house lately! ?Fellow toddler mommas, is there anything else we need to add to the list? ;)
To be quite honest, I'm pretty excited to be transitioning out of the baby stage and in to the toddler stage. ?I know there are lots?of challenges in raising a toddler, but I've worked with toddlers in Mother's Day Out, and childcare, and VBS, and preschools for over 10 years. ?I love toddlers! ?I'm excited that Henry's moving in to the age where he can run around outside and do art projects! ?We're not quite there yet, we're still working on walking outside, (outside is tricky with all it's uneven surfaces and textures!), and H still prefers to eat crayons, but we'll get there soon!
P.S. ?Do you remember the hippo cupcake toppers I ordered for Henry's birthday party, that somehow got sent to our old address by mistake? ?They finally arrived yesterday, and they're so adorable!
I really wish we would have gotten them in time for the party, and now I'm not sure what to do with them! ?Looks like we'll be having some friends over for dinner and hippo cupcakes one random weeknight soon. ha!
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