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In a 160-page ruling issued yesterday, District Court Judge Denise Cote ruled against Apple Apple for conspiring with five publishers to raise the prices of electronic books. The publishers involved in the conspiracy had already settled with the government, leaving Apple as the lone holdout that went to trial in a federal court in Manhattan.
The verdict marks a high-profile victory for the antitrust division of the Department of Justice and will ensure that the prices of e-books remain low for consumers for the foreseeable future. The long-term impact of the verdict is less clear, however.
The government?s 12 witnesses, which included Apple executives, expert economists, several giants of the publishing industry, and Amazon employees, painted a picture of an industry in disarray. Eager to sell its e-book reader, the Kindle, Amazon charged $9.99 for best selling electronic books. The price point infuriated the large publishers involved in the case. They feared that these prices would cannibalize hardcover sales, which earned them higher margins, and would inure consumers to prices that would make it unsustainable for the industry to thrive in the long run.
The publishers sought a lifeline to fend off Amazon. That?s where the technology icon stepped in, according to Judge Cote. ?Apple played a central role in facilitating and executing that conspiracy,? she wrote. ?Without Apple?s orchestration of this conspiracy, it would not have succeeded as it did in the Spring of 2010.?
Throughout the trial, Apple argued that there was no conspiracy at work. Its witnesses pointed to drawn out negotiations with the publishers over adding their books to the iPad tablet it was about to launch. Little of it swayed the judge, who issued a strongly-worded opinion against Apple.
The existence of a conspiracy made the pricing arrangement an easy and worthy target for antitrust enforcers. The way that this area of the law has evolved in recent decades, however, exposes an oddity in antitrust enforcement. The publishers conspired with each other and with Apple, according to Judge Cote?s ruling, because they lacked the market muscle to go up against Amazon individually. Yet, if the publishers merge, as Random House recently did with Penguin, they could theoretically raise the prices of e-books without the need for a conspiracy. That?s an anomaly: why would antitrust enforcers allow one type of price increase but not another?
The other issue to keep in mind is that American antitrust law protects consumers ? not competitors, suppliers, or distributors. Sometimes, the interests of consumer and these industry players overlap. But when they don?t, as was the case with the publishers in this lawsuit, there is little recourse. Are lower e-book prices good for consumers? Absolutely. But what if those lower prices decimate competition in the long run, allowing Amazon to raise prices in the future.
And is the price of a product the only measure by which consumer welfare should be measured? What if lower e-book prices reduce the variety and quality of books going forward? It may be difficult to provide a true measure of such a qualitative factor, but avid book readers and society at large do lose out when a wide variety of writers, editors, and publishers cannot thrive in this environment. Homogenization in any industry encourages efficiency and, in many instances, lowers prices for consumers. But it also reduces choices and makes it more difficult to sustain products that cut against the grain. Just look at the software, auto, and cable industries, which have all narrowed the differences among competitors and products during the last twenty years. This trend has made it nearly impossible for these industries to try new business models or introduce unconventional product lines.
The best comparison to the book market might be Hollywood, another industry that has long juxtaposed art with commerce. A tier of entertaining yet modestly budgeted movies has now largely been excised from the industry. Instead, the industry is now replete with blockbusters that rely heavily on special effects and art-house productions that cater to tiny audiences and award panels. There is little left of the many worthy movies that were compelling yet fell shy of an academy award. It looks like the book industry is headed in the same direction. And this ruling, though correct on a legal basis, is likely to bring it one step closer to that destination.
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