DreamVacationsandTravel.com is your immediate access to the luxury world as portrayed by a team of passionate individuals. We are jet setter, globe trotter, travel writer as well as luxury addict. We always blog about things we love so we can deliver that passion to our readers.
We love to write about the best cities to visit, the luxury hotels and spas, the luxury villas, private jets and beautiful yachts, the World class restaurants the gadgets, the trends in fashion, art and culture, the lifestyle and fine living ideas and many more. Honestly don?t be shy, and come blog away with us. We love our readers.
We are a very unique luxury travel, entertainment and lifestyle blog because you can read about your favorite destinations, cheap travel insurance and discover new luxury gadgets and lifestyle trends.? It?s like having your own personal travel guide taking care of your needs whenever you want.
At Dream Vacations and Travel we want to help you explore your travel destinations the way locals do. Whether you?re venturing close to home or across the globe, whether your budget is limited or limitless, we strive to live up to your discerning approach to travel by delivering the most candid and reliable information on this Web site and in our guidebooks and products.
Travel is intensified living, with maximum thrills per minute. It?s recess, and we need it. Experiencing the real world vacation requires catching it by surprise.? Affording travel is a matter of priorities. You can travel simply, safely, and comfortably anywhere in the world for $100 a day plus transportation costs. In many ways, spending more money only builds a thicker wall between you and what you came to see. The world is a cultural carnival, and time after time, you?ll find that its best acts are free and the best seats are the cheap ones.
A tight budget forces you to travel close to the ground, meeting and communicating with the people. Never sacrifice sleep, nutrition, safety, or cleanliness in the name of budget. Simply enjoy the local-style alternatives to expensive hotels and restaurants.
Extroverts have more fun. If your trip is low on magic moments, kick yourself and make things happen. If you don?t enjoy a place, maybe you don?t know enough about it. Seek the truth. Recognize tourist traps. Give a culture the benefit of your open mind. See things as different but not better or worse. Any culture has much to share.
Of course, travel, like the world, is a series of hills and valleys. Be fanatically positive and militantly optimistic. If something?s not to your liking, change your liking. Travel is addicting. It can make you a happier American, as well as a citizen of the world. Our Earth is home to nearly 6 billion equally important people. It?s humbling to travel and find that people don?t envy Americans.
DreamVacationsandTravel.com is an essential online destination for vacation home rentals and those planning the perfect travel excursion. Not only can DreamVacationandTravel.com visitors easily find candid, timely articles, they can also gain additional insights from our lively message boards and purchasing travel products and services from our high-quality affiliates.
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